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Google SEO Services - Search Engine Optimization Company

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Google SEO Services - Search Engine Optimization Company

Result-Oriented SEO For Your Business By A Professional
Experienced Company

There is no use for a well-designed website if it is not listed on the top pages of Google. Why do you see your competitor's website ranked on the top pages of Google?

Because they must have selected some SEO company to promote their business digitally. The oldest and most proven method to turn your website visitors into revenue-generating machines is SEO. OPAL INFOTECH has been one of the pioneers in SEO services since the inception of optimization.

If you are reading this page, it means you either want to start SEO services for your company for the first time or you are not getting satisfactory results from your existing SEO company and wish to change agencies; or you had SEO in the past and now you see website searches are declining, or else you have decided to increase the number of inquiries through digital marketing.

If so, then we can help you with SEO optimization, no false promises, no waste of your time, and no overcharging. Talk to us once and understand everything before you start.

Hire a proven SEO agency to optimize your website that can get you top rankings and increase organic visitors. There is no shortcut, no guarantee, and no standard package. Each website is different; each industry is different; each person’s buying pattern is different; each country’s search pattern is different.

RESULTS ALWAYS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES! Ask for past performance and evaluate everything in detail before you hand over the SEO contract to any company, including us.

OPAL INFOTECH provides SEO services through a team of knowledgeable, experienced, and expert on-page and off-page optimization professionals.

Call, chat, or e-mail us, and you will feel the difference! We can discuss competitors' studies, opportunities, optimization processes, and search engine ranking time frames followed by great results.

Brief About SEO

With the current developments of the pandemic, it is rightly said that if your company does not have a business on the Internet, then you do not have a business.

The most proven internet marketing technique is SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization. Opal Infotech has grown with this technology and is one of the pioneer companies that applied the white hat SEO technique and technology for Google ranking optimization to hundreds of large-scale, medium-scale, and small-scale businesses.

If you have a website for business and the goal is to either generate new business opportunities and /or brand values then SEO (search engine optimization) is the right strategy. Our years of experience and in-depth knowledge of SEO which consist of search engine algorithm and fast-changing market intelligence may compel us to put in a solid action plan to achieve desired results.

Our team is quite competitive in meeting any challenge whether it is On-page or Off-page SEO, we try to justify each penny and time you spend on promotion services.

Various On-page and Off-page efforts are carried out in SEO services as below to improve website traffic and Google ranking through the organic search for long-term –

SEO Objectives: Drive Traffic,Improve Ranking & Generate Inquiries

When you hire an SEO agency with clear objectives, it becomes easy to track progress. The agency can also work with a clear understanding of your expectations regarding the investment and deliverables. Based on that, the SEO agency can build a strategy and apply techniques.

Drive Traffic

Visitors to your website can arrive through many different channels. Some may come directly, knowing your website address and typing it into their browser. Others may come through social media channels, where you might be active and draw traffic. If you are running a Google paid ad campaign, visitors may also arrive through this channel.

However, the most important type of traffic is organic traffic, which comes from search engines when someone enters a relevant keyword into the search box and clicks on your website. If traffic is the objective for SEO, then the SEO service provider should focus more on listing your website with many keywords, including long-tail, short-tail, phrases, blogs, and so on.

Improving Ranking

In this case, the customer is more interested in improving the search engine ranking of certain keywords. The SEO service provider needs to work on specific keywords using on-page and off-page techniques so that the optimized website can improve its visibility and ranking in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Technical SEO also plays a very important role in achieving these objectives. The improved ranking may also lead to more visibility and relevant traffic from prospective customers.

Generating Inquiries

This is the most productive objective for hiring SEO services, but many times customers are confused between ranking and inquiries. It has been observed over time that ranking with certain desired keywords can only be useful for collecting information, not for generating business. For example, if you are in the business of textiles, the keyword 'cotton shirt' will not necessarily generate business opportunities, but the keywords 'cotton shirt manufacturer' or 'cotton shirt wholesaler' will definitely provide great opportunities.

To generate more inquiries, we, as an experienced SEO company, focus more on business-related or opportunity-driven keywords. Whether you are a small, medium, or large-scale company, you must define objectives for hiring an agency. Working on all three goals is good, but you need to prioritize so that the SEO company can focus more on that and design a strategy accordingly.

Before We Start SEO

Keyword Search:

Keyword Research is very important and can literally make or break your SEO campaign. The most popular mistake people make is to select one-word or two-word search terms to rank on. The whole idea of keyword research is to select realistic keywords which can bring in a significant amount of web traffic. Our dedicated SEO company uses a paid version of WordTracker and Google Keyword Research tool and involves our clients in keyword selection.

Keywords Analysis:

Keywords analysis is a fundamental strategy for Google SEO. It is a judgment to determine which keyword people will use to search the Web. Without this component of Google SEO services, you will just be turning your wheels trying to gain a grip in a highly competitive marketplace.

Competitor’s Website Analysis:

When you start SEO services with a new SEO company it means you are first availing of services OR did not get desired results from a previous SEO company and changing agency. In all these possibilities it is important to have a detailed analysis of the competitor's strategies on Google listing.

The aim of doing a competitor’s website analysis is to get information and ideas about how your competitors are performing, what your site level and what marketing strategies will be needed for your site to lead competitors. Our SEO service for Google ranking includes preparing several reports with important and covering information on competitor's sites.

How Do We Start With SEO Services?

Pre-Optimization Report:

Pre optimization report is an initial keyword ranking report of the website for the keywords that you want to be optimized. It is to compare the SEO rankings in Google of a particular keyword after completing the search engine optimization process.

After an in-depth analysis of the website, considering all the above factors and some technical aspects OPAL INFOTECH presents Pre Optimization Report with suggestions if any modifications are required in website promotion to make it more search engine friendly before we start SEO and search engine marketing.

You can refer to some of our case studies on our blog page

On-Page Optimization

Meta Title Tag Optimization:

Title tags are the words that appear at the very top of a web browser, and they tell the search engine what the page is about. Optimizing the meta-title tags is one of the steps to increase a website’s rank i.e. through Google ranking optimization.

When calculating a web page’s weight to a search, most search engines consider the content of the title tag and display that content on the search results page.

So it needs to be constructed in such a way that it increases the website’s position on result pages and encourages a surfer to click on your link.

Meta Description Optimization:

The description should be written as a powerful statement in the SEO process. Known as meta-description it includes important keywords that will be found within the content of the webpage.

The description is also viewed on the search engine results pages and will be seen by the search engine user.

Keyword Optimization:

The key to ranking well in any search engine is optimizing the visible keywords on a page. Website promotion has important relevance with keyword optimization.

Some of the complicated words are being wrongly placed in search boxes of search engines. Our company takes care of all possible keywords to find your website.

Website Structure Optimization:

Proper website structure and well-organized URLs can help search engines understand the hierarchy and organization of your website, which can improve visibility and rankings

Making website structure clear and logical, with a clear hierarchy of pages, can help search engines understand the relationship between different pages on your website.

Canonicalization can make sure you have set the correct canonical URL and redirect the duplicate pages to the original ones to avoid any confusion or penalties.

For top placement of a website through SEO, it requires your website to be search engine friendly. We create it accordingly by changing the navigational structure of the website.

The navigation structure’s importance in the optimization process is to guide the robot of the search engine about all pages and links and to list them in the search engine.

How we Implement SEO for Your Website Promotion

Overall, a well-structured website with clear and organized URLs can help search engines understand the content of your website, which can improve visibility and rankings. Fixing any issues found in website structure and URLs can have a positive impact on your website’s SEO.

Implementation of mobile first index practise:

As per Google, it predominantly uses the mobile version of a site’s content for indexing and ranking. Therefore, it is the main responsibility of an SEO company to make the website available for Google to access the mobile page content and rank it.

We ensure the use of the same robot meta tags on both the mobile and desktop versions of the site, fix lazy load content issues, and allow Google to crawl all pages without blocking any URLs. It is also essential to have the same content on both the mobile and desktop versions, which helps Google rank the webpage with the same keywords.

We also take care of the technical SEO aspects, which include ensuring the same structured data for mobile and desktop sites, using correct URLs in structured data, and using data highlighters correctly while regularly checking for extraction errors.

All of the above requires thorough technical knowledge with a clear understanding of the customer’s business. Our experienced and expert team can handle all these technical issues very professionally, which is significant for website optimization, while others may try to ignore them.

Google Analytics:

It provides information about visitors to your site; pages and links visitors click on most and spend the most time on. Google Analytics also tells you after using which sites users came to the site. You can find out the most popular keywords, users type, country details, and many other details.

Body Text And Content Optimization:

Content optimization is an essential part of SEO, it involves making sure that your website’s content is relevant, high-quality, and optimized for search engines. Properly optimizing your website’s content with keywords, meta tags, header tags, and alt tags, can help improve visibility and rankings in search engine results pages.

A rich body of text and keyword-oriented content is a secret to high search engine ranking. We optimize keywords with existing content or change the same with prior approval. To list websites at a higher position it is important to have SEO-friendly text and content.

H1-H2 Tags Optimization: (All Pages)

Header tags are given more weight than regular page content. A search engine considers it mainly when indexing a Web page. The header tag is important for visitors & Google ranking also because the heading tag tells both search engines and visitors what the content is all about.

On-Page Elements Such As Images And Internal Links Optimization:

On-page elements such as images and internal links play an important role in optimizing a website for SEO. Properly optimizing these elements can help improve the user experience and increase visibility in search engine results pages.

  • Images: Optimizing images can help improve page load time and the user experience, which can positively impact SEO. Proper image optimization includes compressing images, using descriptive and relevant file names, and providing appropriate alt tags. Alt tags should be a short and accurate description of the image, that helps the visually impaired and search engines to understand the context of the image.
  • Internal links: Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one page on a website to another page on the same website. They help users and search engines navigate through your website. Properly structuring internal links can help search engines understand the hierarchy and organization of your website. Use descriptive and relevant anchor text for internal links, and avoid using generic phrases like “click here.” By using internal links, you are also helping search engines to understand the relationships between the pages on your website, which can help boost your website’s rankings.
  • Broken links: Broken links can negatively impact the user experience and search engine rankings. Use a broken link checker tool to find any broken links on your website, and fix or redirect them to the correct page.
  • Anchor text: The anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Use descriptive and relevant anchor text for internal links, and avoid using generic phrases like “click here.” Search engines use the anchor text to understand the context of the linked page, so make sure that you are using descriptive and relevant anchor text.

The Sitemap For Link Optimization:

A sitemap is to show all links to the website on one page. We create sitemaps for Google, Bing, and Yahoo, describing link names with a concise description. This sitemap can be made on your server or a different server.

Google Sitemap – Development And Hosting:

Google Sitemap is a list of the pages on your website. Creating and submitting a sitemap makes sure that Google knows about all the pages on your site, including URLs that may not be discoverable by Google’s normal crawling process. Sitemaps provide additional information that may not otherwise be discovered, such as pages that are not linked to any other page within your domain.

Yahoo Sitemap – Development And Hosting:

Yahoo Sitemap is an XML file that contains a listing of all URLs and pages on your website. The file is used to inform and direct Yahoo search engine crawlers so that web pages can be discovered and indexed quicker. Sitemaps provide additional information that may not otherwise be discovered, such as pages that are not linked from any other page within your website.

ROR Sitemap And Hosting:

ROR is a rapidly growing XML format for describing any object of content in a generic fashion so that any search engine can better understand that content. It helps describe the sitemap as well as products, services, feeds, articles, reviews, archives, and much more objects. Also, ROR Sitemaps are automatically readable by all search engines, including Google.

Search Engine Marketing Services (Off-Page SEO)

Search Engine Submission:

We manually submit sites to leading local and international search engines and directories. This search engine submission process part of the SEO services is most reliable than the software-generated submission process.

Business Directory Submission:

There are many important business directories from where search engine takes data for example As a part of the search engine marketing process, we submit the website to all leading B2B directories which helps in SEO positioning.

RSS Feed Submission:

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are an XML-based format, this has to be created and submitted to RSS submission sites. This will help you increase exposure on the net by reaching a new audience through syndication. This Service can increase spam-free backlinks.

Google Local Submission:

It is a local business center to create your listing. When customers search Maps for local information, they will find your Google local business listing including address, hours of operation, and even photos of storefronts or products.

Content Writing:

Content plays a very important role as far as Search engine optimization is concerned. It is necessary to have search engine-friendly content to attract visitors to your website. We are here to help you create effectively and search engine-friendly content for your website.

Article Submission:

We write an article for the selected topic and submit it to particular article directories to get listed well and helpful in organic link building in the ranking optimization process.

Video Marketing:

Optimizing & promoting videos of products, services, or brands given by clients on YouTube, Vimeo, and other video websites. In case the client does not have a video, in that case, we use an alternate method for video optimization.

Youtube Channel Design:

Creating a Brand by designing a youtube channel for the company & assembling all videos in one place. Youtube channels can also be promoted separately.

Social Media Marketing:

Optimizing website links by regularly updating status on social media websites including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & other high PR social media sites through our social media optimization (SMO) process.

PDF Submission:

Converting text files into PDF files. These Created PDF files can be optimized for higher search engine ranking and earning organic links by uploading files on PDF-sharing websites.

Infographics Creation:

Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.

Website Progress Report: (Weekly / On Demand)

After submitting the website we constantly keep studying whether it has been listed in search engines.

SEO Experience In Working With Different Industries

What if the SEO experts are well aware of on-page and off-page optimization techniques but have no knowledge of your industry?

Product knowledge, market know-how, and customer buying behavior for that particular industry are extremely important for the SEO team before they start the ranking optimization process of your website.

Opal Infotech has an experienced SEO team with different types of backgrounds, including professionals from engineering, science, and e-commerce business fields.

Interact with our SEO team and you will see a measurable difference. Apart from our academic background, we also have vast experience promoting various businesses for more than 20+ years.

OPAL INFOTECH is also one of the leading Google Ads agencies with Google-certified employees; this association broadens our vision for website optimization. The average experience of our SEO team is 10 years, which you will hardly find with other SEO companies.

At present, we are serving customers from almost all vertical industries. For the best SEO service, contact us with your details and we will be happy to share your details so that you can make an informed decision about hiring an SEO agency.