Case Study – Reputation Management for Educational Institute

What is Reputation Management?

Reputation management refers to influencing and controlling an individual’s or business’s reputation. Reputation management (sometimes referred to as rep management, online reputation management or ORM) is the practice of attempting to shape public perception of a person or organization by influencing online information about that entity.

Specifically, reputation management aims on monitoring the reputation of an individual or a brand on the internet, addressing content which is potentially damaging to it. Most of reputation management is focused on pushing down negative search results.

Reputation Management

Basically, online reputation management is the process of controlling what shows up when someone Googles your name. Reputation management is the process to promote positive content to the top of your search results and push unwanted content (negative, irrelevant or competition) farther down to ensure that when someone Googles you, their results are populated with positive, relevant content about you.

Company Background

The educational organization is India’s leading distance learning institute for management and technical studies. It is 4th ranked E-Learning Institute of India providing various Diploma, Graduation and Master Programs through their point of presence in India and UAE.

Company’s Reputation Concerns

The education website was badly affected by negative search result and bad reviews with certain keyword.

Solution by Opal Infotech to Improve Company Branding
  1. Whenever any visitor typed on Google with the institute name to search this educational website, it was displaying “institute name + fake” in Google suggested search display and it is quite obvious, when any student searching for the institute enrolment and if he/she founds any negative search phrase for that institute, where he/she is going to study, he/she will definitely look into the negative review first about that institute.
  2. And on selecting “institute name + fake”, the first search result displayed by Google was a long blog written by the competitor of this website illustrating all negative aspects of this institute. This blog was coming on the top of the search results followed by other negative reviews for the website, which were full of negative comments for the educational firm.
  3. When the scope of the website is broad, it is obvious that many competitors jealous of your business and can update the paid bad reviews for the website that may ruin your site business and even loss of reputation.

Offered Solution by Opal Infotech to Improve Company Branding

There were two main tasks to be achieved at Opal end in this case-

1) Remove the Google suggested search display with “institute name + fake” when any visitor search with “institute name” and
2) To rank down the negative blog articles in lower search results.

The above 2 goals, Opal’s digital marketing team could achive through various SEO efforts as below

  1. Website optimization to increase the search queries with various search phrases to eliminate “institute name + fake” in Google suggested search display.
  2. The drop down of negative article in Google search result Opal team could gain through various off-page submissions and using social media networks.

The Achieved Results in Favour of the Educational Institute

  1. Now on searching in Google with “institute name”, you will not found “institute name + fake” in Google suggested search display.
  2. After one month of efforts, we could rank up our website above the negative blog article so that even with the negative keywords if any user searches, they can visualize our website and not move on the negative blog as our site was listing above it.
  3. After two month of efforts, we could rank up our 3 search web results above the negative blog article in that minimize the chances for visitors to read the negative comments made by competitor blog ranked on 4th position now.

This way Opal Infotech can improve the reputation for the business and drop down the negative search results on lower ranking with positive promotion of the educational website.