Popular Web Development Softwares and Platforms that Maximize the Web Functions and Increase the Visibility of Your Websites

The Internet Site expansion process entails the planning, design, development, implementation, testing, routine updates and maintenance of the webpage. It is important that an appropriate Internet Site expansion tools are selected to ensure that the process is successful.

Web development problems, difficulties and issues

The Internet Site expansion process has many issues and difficulties and the selected tools and must assist the developer solve them. First, the clients intended functions may vary during the development process and these require constant adjustment of the design.

Secondly, the design may fail to fulfill the client’s specification and this requires constant changes. Thirdly, changing business needs require constant changes in the development process and these affect the development process.

Other challenges include: changing trends, security, privacy, implementation and installation problems as well as budget constraints.

Common Software’s and Platforms Used In Web Development Process

There are many platforms used in the Internet Site expansion process. These tools guide the developer through the planning, web design, development, testing and installation. Different groupware can be used and are segmented based the client’s needs. For example, the Magento provides groupware for e commerce solutions. Other groupware includes, Java, Dreamweaver and many open source groupware’s.

How to Select the Best Web Development Software and Tools

The selection of the web development tools and platform is based on the end results obtained from the process. The most important issues to consider are the functions of the expected webpage, the cost of the development process, special features of the tools/ platform, security provisions, ability to easily change the design and other features, programming or cording required and the templates provided.

How the choice of software and platform used affects the website features and application

The programming groupware or platform features affect the final webpage or page developed. The features of the webpage such as privacy, special security features, e-commerce ability, ability to advertise at the webpage and other online business transactions are affected by the groupware used in developing the webpage.

In addition, the visibility, quality and aesthetics features of the webpage are directed related to the groupware used. The developer should therefore choose the appropriate groupware carefully.

How to choose the right software for the web development process

Though there is no perfect Internet Site expansion tool, the choice of the most optimal tools to used depends on the following factors; the functions of the webpage to be developed, the developers programming ability (those with limited programming ability must use templates or programs that don’t need a lot codes), cost of developing the program and special features provided by the template.

Enhanced features of web development software’s that simplify the web development process

Web developers should essentially use groupware which has high level language and templates to develop the Web Pages. These two aspects simplify the development process and reduce the cording errors as well as integration issues. Open source development tools can also be selected to reduce the development costs.


Internet Site expansion process requires the developer to select the most appropriate program to use. The choice of these tools depends on the function of webpage, costs and other enhanced features.