Broken Links


· Issue: Links that lead to 404 error pages. · Impact: Hurts user experience and SEO rankings. · Solution: Regularly use tools like  Google Search Console to find and fix broken links.

Security Vulnerabilities


· Issue: Malware, hackers, or weak passwords compromising your website’s data. · Impact: Loss of data, downtime, and reputation damage. · Solution: Implement SSL certificates, use strong passwords, install security plugins, and schedule regular security scans.

Broken Forms


· Issue: Contact or inquiry forms not submitting data properly. · Impact: Missed business leads and frustrated users. · Solution: Test forms regularly, update form plugins, and ensure email forwarding is configured correctly.

Missing / Expired SSL Certificate


· Issue: No secure HTTPS connection or expired SSL. · Impact: Trust issues with users, browser warnings, and potential security risks. · Solution: Install or renew SSL certificates through your hosting provider or a certificate authority.

Outdated Content


· Issue: Old information, irrelevant blog posts, or outdated service pages. · Impact: Loss of credibility and relevance with users and search engines. · Solution: Regularly review and refresh your website’s content to keep it up-to-date.