Cognitive Biases How They Shape Our Reality

What Are Cognitive Biases?

Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts our brains use to process information quickly. But they can lead us away from rational decisions.

Confirmation Bias


We seek out information that confirms what we already believe.

Anchoring Bias


Our decisions are influenced by the first piece of information we receive.

Availability Heuristic


We overestimate the importance of information that is most readily available.

Hindsight Bias


After an event occurs, we believe we predicted it.

Overconfidence bias


Overestimating our own abilities and knowledge.

The Impact on Decision-Making

Cognitive biases can significantly impact decisions in daily life, business, & beyond.

Overcoming Cognitive Biases

· Seek Diverse Perspectives · Practice Critical Thinking · Use Decision-Making Frameworks · Be Mindful of Emotional Influences · Continuously Learn and Improve