Green Bulb

Caching Strategies

Use Laravel's built-in caching mechanisms with drivers like Redis or Memcached to cache frequently accessed data and reduce database load. Cache your routes to speed up route registration. Cache the configuration files to boost performance.


Green Bulb

Database Query Optimization

Use eager loading to minimize the number of queries. Ensure proper indexing on your database tables to speed up queries. Avoid N+1 query issues and use joins where appropriate.


Green Bulb

Implementing Queue Workers

Offload time-consuming tasks (like sending emails or processing uploads) to background jobs using Laravel Queues. Choose the right queue driver (like Redis, Beanstalkd, or Amazon SQS) based on your application's needs.


Green Bulb

Optimizing Assets and Frontend Performance

Use Laravel Mix to compile and minify your assets. Serve your static assets from a CDN to reduce load times and improve global accessibility.


Green Bulb

Improving HTTP Response Times

Enable HTTP/2 and SSL to improve the loading speed of your website. Cache entire responses using Laravel Response Cache package.