Stealing Data

Malware can be designed to snatch visitor information like credit card details, login credentials, or even personal data from forms. This can be a huge blow to your reputation, especially if it leads to identity theft for your visitors.

Redirecting Visitors

Malicious code can send visitors to entirely different websites, often ones loaded with malware themselves. This frustrates visitors and hurts your site's traffic.

Website Performance Issues

Malware can consume server resources, leading to slow website performance.In severe cases, malware can cause your website to crash or become completely unavailable.

Distribution of Malware

Your website can be used as a platform to distribute malware to visitors’ devices, leading to further spread and more infections.

Legal Issues

If user data is compromised, you might face penalties for not complying with data protection regulations.Users whose data has been stolen might sue for damages, leading to further financial losses.