Create pure components that always return the same output for the same props, avoiding unnecessary re-renders. Use React.PureComponent or React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders of functional components.Use FlatList and SectionList for rendering large lists instead of ScrollView or ListView.

Optimize Component Rendering


Offload heavy computations to the native side or use background threads with libraries like react-native-worker. Avoid creating inline functions within render methods as it creates new function instances on each render.

JavaScript Optimization


Choose appropriate formats like JPEG for photos and PNG for graphics with transparency.Use tools like react-native-fast-image or react-native-image-resizer to compress images without sacrificing quality.Load images only when they become visible on the screen to improve initial load times.

Image Optimization


Minimize the use of global state for locally needed state. Use hooks like useState and useReducer for local state management.Batch state updates and avoid unnecessary state changes that cause re-renders.

Efficient State Management


Reduce the number of interactions between JavaScript and native modules. Batch multiple calls into one if possible. Transfer only the necessary data between the JavaScript and native sides.

Reduce Bridge Traffic



Be mindful of memory leaks by properly unmounting components and cleaning up listeners or subscriptions.Break down large objects or arrays to prevent memory bloat.

Memory Management